Derek and Cleo Leyenhorst agreed to be involved with the Dancing with the Shuswap Stars fundraiser because they thought that it would be a fun, “romantic” activity that they could do together as a couple.

You may have seen both Derek and Cleo on the big screen at the movies where they appear in those fun advertisements for the Chopping Crew. Derek is a co-owner and stylist and Cleo is a performer of magic as a make-up artist. Cleo has helped a number of brides look their loveliest on their wedding days. Cleo can also be found working as a pharmacy technician at Remedy’s Pharmacy.

Cleo and Derek are relying on their high school P.E. dance classes to help them with their dance performance. Although both have performed before, Cleo in figure skating and Derek singing in a choir and playing electric guitar in a band, neither of them have danced in front of a live audience. They both enjoy their involvement with their church which involves a measure of public performance. Derek and Cleo are ready to put their best foot forward.

Like many young couples, Cleo and Derek enjoy the close proximity of outdoor recreation opportunities here in the Shuswap both winter and summer. They have skied at Larch Hills with their two boys Felix and Benny and enjoy what the area has to offer. In the summer they can be found at the beach or dirt biking with their boys.